Welcome to
House of Healing
Worship Center
We’re really glad you’ve found us and hope this site will help you find out more about us. On the site there are details of all our groups and events. A good place to start would be to come along to a service one Saturday Night and Sunday Morning.
As Christians we are blessed with the community of a church family. Fellowship with accountable friends brings us where we need to be, helps us in times of need and guides us to our next step. A church that preaches the gospel and portrays the glory of God will illuminate a path for those who are seeking Him. Our responsibility as Christ-followers is to align ourselves with Christ and take the hand of others, brushing them off as they stumble and pointing them in the direction of Christ.
A Time Inside of the Temple
This event is based on Psalm 73
of Asaph where he was frustrated with what was happening in his life till he entered in side
of the temple and spent time there and then he was able to understand his purpose in the Kingdom of God.